Emergency Reports

The Emergency Reports feature is designed to be used in the event that your system needs to go down for a short period of time. It provides quick access to pre-configured reports, and includes those typically needed for the staff to operate manually.

After Z-Out, you will need to print your Emergency Reports (the set of reports for your property that will allow you to continue operating tomorrow if you can’t use your online Skyware Systems interface).

The reports deemed essential may vary from Property to Property; refer to your Properties' Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to know which ones you will need.

A standard set of Emergency Reports is accessible through the Emergency Reports command on the Night Audit Menu, or in the Managers Reports section of the Reports Menu. Select any or all that you want and click to print.

The reports are generated in PDF form and open in separate browser windows. From there you can select to save or print each report, among other options as needed.



The Emergency Reports screen will open when accessed.

Emergency Reports screen

The reports available through the Emergency Reports command include:

Arrival Report: This Report allows you to view the guests that are due to arrive during the identified time period, and shows the guest's name, the status of the stay (RESV, FOLIO, HIST, etc), the type of room, number of rooms, number of people in the room (adults, children, youths), room rate, if it is guaranteed, the current folio balance, and the room number.

Departure Report: This Report allows you to view the guests that are due to depart on a specific day, and shows the room number, room type, guest name, the date of check in, number of nights, room rate, and the current folio balance.

Folio Balance: This Report lists all of the guests currently in house and the current balances on their folios, and shows the room number, guest name, the date the guest checked in, the date the guest is due to check out, the current balance, credit limit, variance between balance and credit limit, payment method, and room rate.

Guest List: This Report shows all guests that are currently In House (FOL status). It shows the room number, guest name, guest type, segment type, company, name of the package, room rate, and number of adults/children/youths, the booking name (if the guest is associated with a booking), and comments, if any. You can select to generate by Name, by Room or generate both reports.

Room Scan: This Report shows the status and condition of rooms, room features and room locations by room type. You can generate a report for All Rooms, or Vacant Rooms, or generate both reports.

Room Rate: This Report displays the expected room rates by room type per stay. The room rate is compared with the expected rate for that room type/date and the difference (variance) between the actual stay's rate and the expected rate for the date. Generates a Room Rate report for only Bedded Rooms. The report shows the guests name, adults/youths/child in the room, that room rate and room with package rate (if a package is attached), the guest type, segment field, group name, tariff type, package plan name and the rack rate. The bottom of the report shows grand totals.


Use the checkboxes to select the appropriate reports. By default, ALL reports are selected.

When finished, click the orange button Print Selected Reports.

The reports are generated in PDF form and open in separate browser windows. Save or print each report as needed.


Date Updated March 22, 2021